After-sales service and lifetime warranty at Hoang Vu Center meet all the concerns of customers as well as share all the risks for you when using electronic equipment. Hoang Vu Center has long-term warranty for the equipment we have repaired, we provide customers warranty package plus such as: Warranty gold, Warranty silver ...
At present, Hoang Vu Center offers after sales promotions and warranty programs as follows:
+ Special warranty for repair equipment at Hoang Vu Center: Iphone, Ipad, Macbook, Laptop, Surfacer, Laminated ... after repair at the center is under warranty from 3 months to 12 months depending. Under specific circumstances.
+ Hoang Vu Center stores customer data on the system that comes with the warranty stamp posted on the repair equipment without you having to keep any coupons or papers when equipment needs support. .
+ Hoang Vu Center is not afraid to support all equipment when the warranty period so you do not hesitate to serve our device when the problem. Staff of Hoang Vu Center is always ready to serve you.
All of your electronic devices such as your Iphone, Ipad, Macbook, Laptop, Surface ... after using the repair service will be stored in the code and will be Use attached repair services with special privileges.
+ Hoang Vu Center always affirmed the lifetime warranty for devices such as Iphone, Ipad, Macbook, Laptop, Surface in a dedicated and professional way.
Any problems with warranty and repair after repair service, please contact us through hotline: 0916 472 445 Mr Vu for the most enthusiastic support.